Dieser Kurs vermittelt wesentliche Fähigkeiten für Datenbankadministratoren zur Verwaltung und Wartung von SQL Server-Datenbanken. Die Teilnehmer lernen Installation, Konfiguration, Sicherheit, Backup und Wiederherstellung, Performance-Optimierung und Hochverfügbarkeit.
SQL Server Security
Authenticating Connections to SQL Server
Authorizing Logins to Connect to databases
Authorization Across Servers
Partially Contained Databases
Assigning Server and Database Roles
Working with server roles
Working with Fixed Database Roles
Assigning User-Defined Database Roles
Authorizing Users to Access Resources
Describe and use server roles to manage server-level security
Describe and use fixed database roles
Use custom database roles and application roles to manage database-level security
Protecting Data with Encryption and Auditing
Options for auditing data access in SQL Server
Implementing SQL Server Audit
Managing SQL Server Audit
Protecting Data with Encryption
Recovery Models and Backup Strategies
Understanding Backup Strategies
SQL Server Transaction Logs
Planning Backup Strategie
Backing Up SQL Server Databases
Backing Up Databases and Transaction Logs
Managing Database Backups
Advanced Database Options
Restoring SQL Server Databases
Understanding the Restore Process
Restoring Databases
Advanced Restore Scenarios
Point-in-Time Recovery
Automating SQL Server Management
Automating SQL Server management
Working with SQL Server Agent
Managing SQL Server Agent Jobs
Multi-server Management
Configuring Security for SQL Server Agent
Understanding SQL Server Agent Security
Configuring Credentials
Configuring Proxy Accounts
Monitoring SQL Server with Alerts and Notifications
Monitoring SQL Server Errors
Configuring Database Mail
Operators, Alerts, and Notifications
Alerts in Azure SQL Database
Introduction to Managing SQL Server by using PowerShell
Getting Started with Windows PowerShell
Configure SQL Server using PowerShell
Administer and Maintain SQL Server with PowerShell
Managing Azure SQL Databases using PowerShell
Tracing Access to SQL Server with Extended events
Extended Events Core Concepts
Working with Extended Events
Monitoring SQL Server
Monitoring activity
Capturing and Managing Performance Data
Analyzing Collected Performance Data
SQL Server Utility
Troubleshooting SQL Server
A Trouble Shooting Methodology for SQL Server
Resolving Service Related Issues
Resolving Connectivity and Log-in issues
Importing and Exporting Data
Transferring Data to and from SQL Server
Importing and Exporting Table Data
Using bcp and BULK INSERT to Import Data
Deploying and Upgrading Data-Tier Application
- Erste Erfahrungen mit dem Datenbankdesign
- Erfahrung mit relationalen Datenbanken
- Erfahrung mit Transact-SQL
- Grundkenntnisse über das Windows-Betriebssystem und seine Kernfunktionalität
Dieser Kurs richtet sich an Datenbankadministratoren und Datenbankentwickler, die SQL-Server Datenbankinfrastrukturen administrieren und pflegen möchten.
- Workshop in Anlehnung an den ehemaligen Microsoft-Kurs
- Getränke und Snacks sind im Seminarpreis enthalten.